Zhuoli Education GroupShattuck-St. Mary’s (SSM) Visits ZhuoliRecently, Matthew Cavellier, the principal of Shattuck-St. Mary’s (SSM) in Minnesota, USA, and his delegation visited various schools under the Zhuoli in Nanning and held talks on the details of their cooperation.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupSummer showcase, comprehensive development shows resultsFor Zhuoli students, summer vacation is not only a day for relaxation and rest, but also an important period for us to cultivate interests, showcase our talents, and develop personal strengths. During this period, students participated in various activities such as physical exercise, artistic creation, scientific exploration, or social practice, which not only comprehensively improved their personal abilities, but also laid a solid foundation for future learning and life.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupDreams come first, passion never stopsOn the afternoon of June 14, 2024, the closing ceremony of the third "Zhuoli Cup" basketball league of Zhuoli Education Group was held at Zhuoli Experimental School, attended by leaders of the group and various campuses.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupBaseball Babes, you're the bestThe sun shines on the playground, and laughter and joy resound one after another. On April 27th, the closing ceremony of the second "Bamiao Cup" baseball and softball game of Zhuoli Education Group, full of childlike innocence and vitality, was grandly held at Zhuoli Primary School in Jinyuan City, marking a successful conclusion to this exciting two-week event.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupThanksgiving, endeavor and dedicationOn March 2, the 2024 annual meeting of Zhuoli education group "gratitude, endeavor and wonderful contribution" was grandly held in the hibiscus flower Hall of the International Convention and Exhibition Center. President Qiao, all employees and many guests of Zhuoli education group gathered together happily.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupWave your stick, Zhuoli BabyOn November 4th, in this harvest season, we gathered at the beautiful Nanning Yongning Zhuoli Kindergarten to hold the grand opening ceremony of the first "Baseball Seed Cup" baseball and softball competition of Zhuoli Education Group in 2023. Group leaders and leaders of various schools (parks) attended the opening ceremony.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupSweat the sweat of hard work and be the best youthThe second "Zhuoli Cup" Youth Baseball League of Zhuoli Education Group was grandly opened on November 19, 2022 at Zhuoli Primary School in Jinyuan City, Nanning. This year's baseball and softball game is divided into two groups: "U12 throwing group" and "U10 T-BALL group", and is held on three match days.View More
Zhuoli Education Group团结共奋进 同心谱新篇——2023卓立教育集团年会盛典猛虎辞旧岁,吉兔送春来。2023年2月11日,卓立教育集团2023年会盛典在南宁国际会展中心朱槿花厅隆重召开。卓立教育集团大家庭成员欢聚一堂,分享昨日的辉煌,展望美好的未来。View More
Zhuoli Education Group乘风破浪 砺行致远——2022年卓立教育集团年会卓立集团年会,作为一项以各校区年度总结汇报、优秀表彰、风采展示、文化交流为目的的集团大型活动,现已成为全体卓立人心目中一年一度的盛大节日。自2019年至今,卓立集团年会已成功举办了四届,每一位到场的卓立人,都能够在这一盛会中收获属于自己独特的喜悦和快乐。View More
Zhuoli Education GroupCelebrating the 100th anniversary through cooperation, joint construction, and educationZhuoli Education Group has always adhered to the mission of cultivating talents for the Party and the country. Rooted in Nanning, after 14 years of careful cultivation, Zhuoli Education Group currently has six schools under its umbrella, and their educational achievements have been widely recognized by all sectors of society.View More
Zhuoli Education Group强体魄 跟党走 活力篮球铸阳光少年2021年5月15日,卓立教育集团第一届“卓立杯”篮球联赛圆满结束。本届篮球联赛是卓立集团的一次体育盛会。篮球赛历时一个多月,顺利完成了所有常规赛和决赛阶段的比赛。各校区队伍积极备战,赛场下团结协作,赛场上大展身手。教师、学生一起沟通磨合,精进技艺,团结拼搏。View More
Zhuoli Education Group团结拼搏 共创未来——绽放2021 卓立教育集团年会盛典玉鼠追冬去,金牛送春来~ 2021年3月13日,卓立教育集团2021年会盛典隆重召开。这一天,各校区同仁欢聚一堂,共同分享快乐与精彩,共同展望未来的方向与目标。View More