Zhuoli Education Group扬棒球精神 做活力少年2020年12月12日,第一届卓立教育集团“卓立杯”少年棒球联赛圆满结束。本届联赛历时一个多月,棒球小将们转战四个校区,经过激烈的角逐,都取得了优异的成绩。View More
Zhuoli Education Group"Internet plus Education", starting a "new journey" of outstanding educationPremier Li Keqiang clearly put forward the "Internet plus" plan in the government work report. Internet plus education=smart education. We should continue to implement the "Internet plus education" plan, promote the process of smart education in China's primary and secondary schools, and plant the tree of wisdom and happiness in the hearts of children.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupWin win cooperation and create brilliance togetherOn July 19th, Zhuoli Education Group and iFlytek Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony for the "Smart Campus" cooperation. Based on the principles of "resource sharing, sincere cooperation, and mutual benefit and win-win", the two sides have formed a strong alliance in the field of basic education informatization to seek common development. Representatives of Zhuoli Group, including Chairman Qiao Lisong and leaders from various campuses, as well as General Manager Wang Jingjing of iFlytek Guangxi, attended the signing ceremony.View More
Zhuoli Education Group锦志卓越 再创辉煌——2020年卓立教育集团年会总有些时光,值得用仪式感镌刻美好。7月18日,卓立教育集团2020年年会盛大召开。这一天,各校区的同仁欢聚一堂,共同分享快乐与精彩,共同展望未来的方向与目标。View More
Zhuoli Education GroupCo building an external exchange platform and sharing the fruits of international cooperationOn the afternoon of October 23, 2019, the Sino US School International Education and Cultural Exchange Conference was held grandly at our school. This is the beginning of our school's series of international exchange activities, marking that our school has incorporated international exchange work into its regular work and begun to gradually implement it.View More
Zhuoli Education GroupBoundless Communication, Soaring PersonalityA group of 18 Austrian citizens joined our school on August 16th and began a 4-day exchange visit activity. During the event, they had full communication with the teachers and students of our school. Rudolf Hackler, the leader of the Austrian Citizens' Union, highly praised the English proficiency of our students and expressed that this trip was full of rewards. Not only did they appreciate the ethnic customs of Guangxi, but they also tasted Chinese cuisine and witnessed China's rapid development.View More